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“Come to me all who are weary and heavy-laden and I will give you rest.” – Matthew 11:28

A simple, but profound statement; because the truth is only those who seek rest will find it.

This means if you and I do not actively seek rest, we will not find it.

I don't know about you, but after the year we have both had, I'd say we need a lot of it. The quoted scripture above implies that rest is given and is received by those who have come seeking and is not something that can be bought or accrued.

For many of us this has been a tough and difficult year, and our lives have taken a painful beating. Our bodies and souls now desperately need the time to take stock and recover, because we are not machines and we need to tend to our wounds.

But what does this rest look like? It looks like coming to Jesus and allowing Him to compassionately meet our 'weariness' and help manage our loads, but more than that it looks like us admitting that we are tired and 'heavy-laden'.

We can do our best to pause, declutter and switch-off, which are all very good things, but restorative rest is given by Jesus, and He gives it to us willingly if we ask Him.

If you are weary and you are heavy-laden, and are willing to admit it, then there is a place for you to rest, but you need to be intentional about pursuing it - for only then will you find it.

I have attached a link to brilliant article on rest, at the end of this blog post, that I think will put across the need for rest a lot better than I am able, so please take the time to read it.

So, this Christmas and holiday season, be intentional about establishing, scheduling and honouring rhythms of rest; because they are necessary for your well-being.

Rest is the nourishment your body and soul desperately need.

(Also, take it easy and be a good steward of your finances this Christmas season.)

_ Takunda

Link to Article on Rest:


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