Today, in light of the political craze that is happening in America, I just want to remind you that God cares for His people.
I'm not a political guru but I do know, from reading the Word, that God deeply cares for His people and because of that I do believe that He cares about politics. Of course it is unfortunate that America has two rather odd fellows running for presidency, but our Lord loves both of them and wants to see them lead their country well and lead people towards greater freedom.
We are not separate from that. We probably don't have as much power as Trump does, but maybe you're in a situation where people are looking to you for guidance, for change, for leadership. That's pressure for anyone and I know for certain that none of us will lead without fault. Disappointments with leadership are not always a bad thing because God can transform them into opportunities for good--if we let Him.
In John 4 Jesus went up to a Samaritan woman, a woman who everyone knew was a sinner. Jesus spoke so gently to her and I guess she must have been able to tell He was different by His Spirit. The story doesn't say what happened to her after she met with Jesus but there were probably people in the town who didn't believe the change in her.
Because we struggle with humanness, we often struggle to believe in God's goodness too, and we don't want to believe it for others either.
I'm not saying that Trump or Biden will change or be true to their promises and I'm not saying which of them we should support either. But I am saying that we should hold on to God's promises and choose to challenge our own beliefs- allowing more of God's truth in to our hearts is a step in the right direction. Change, good change, doesn't happen just because of a vote. Change is internal and we live out the fruit of it.
Matthew 22:38-40
"Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’[c]38 This is the first and greatest commandment.39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[a]40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
God is still in control and He still cares very much for us all.