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Test me, God.

This week a friend of mine had the incredible opportunity to share a message through the virtual church platform of YouTube and Facebook, with some other amazing ladies. Arielle was basically speaking about actually listening to God: What is God saying vs what I want Him to say.

I've been wrestling with this idea for a while now, even before listening to Arielle's message.

God has been speaking to me in new ways, reminding me that my prayers are vital, not just for me, but for the body of Christ.

But do we understand the weight of that?

In Psalm 139 (such a beautiful psalm) David wrote:

Investigate my life, O God,

find out everything about me;

Cross-examine and test me,

get a clear picture of what I’m about;

See for yourself whether I’ve done anything wrong—

then guide me on the road to eternal life.

(The MSG)

We read these words and love the idea of God testing us, because we are sure we will get it right...but what does 'test' mean? And are we ready to live with the consequences of the results?

God loves us so, so much and we see that in the way he relentlessly pursues Israel all through Scripture, but ultimately we have to say 'yes' and let God reveal the ugly to us so that we can have a deeper relationship with Him.

What this means for me: God has been trying to teach me about forgiveness and having really hard conversations with people- knowing that if I have done something to them, I need to ask for forgiveness and it's so ridiculously hard. Pride gets in the way and the coals start heating up in my heart...but I have to say 'yes' otherwise I will be stuck in the same place for a much longer time. My heart will harden and I don't want to be responsible for that.

Are you postured and ready for what God is going to do? Through your trials or temptations.

Don't let the hard stuff pass you by (easy to say, hard to embrace. I know, I know.)

I so badly want to be someone who faces trials and thinks "great God, let's do this."

Don't you?

Father, thank you that you entrust us with trials, even when we don't understand them. Help us to be more welcoming to trials so that we will grow and can help others draw nearer to you. Help us with the things we don't want to address or do and ultimately break our hearts for whatever breaks yours so that we may see people and situations as you do.

You are so good, God. Amen.


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